He loves you that much!

Category: Mind Created: Monday, 09 March 2015 10:10

Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to be going great?!  The sun is shining; everything is going as planned and moving smoothly.   Then, all of sudden...!

 My "all of a sudden" came last week!  You see, I’ve been working on this blog for about two months now, and with every article and decision in design, I’ve become a little more excited!  My writing has become a little easier, and I couldn't wait to go live!

Then came the day. My web designer called and said we were ready to go “live”!  Wait!  What?  

All of a sudden, I wasn’t so sure.  The excitement and zeal for writing dissipated. Why was I holding back?  What was I afraid of? 

It amazes me how much God wants to be involved in our lives!  All it takes for me is a moment, and then I’m set.  Two days later, I was sitting in church, and as I was listening to the speaker, Ron Rhea, I heard the two words…small beginnings.  He shared the same verse I have based my blog after…Habukkuk 2:4.  Well, that was a shocker.  But, God wasn’t done showing me that I shouldn’t let fear hold me back!  Later that evening we had our healing service, and during this service a lady began to pray that we would not "despise small beginnings".  

It was as if my breathe was taken from me!  I remember feeling overwhelmed.  The sense that my God cares enough to speak to me and let me not have doubt in what to do was breathtaking! 

There is one thing I’m for sure about.  One thing that I would testify to and give my life for.   That one thing is that no matter where you are in life, no matter what you’re circumstances are, you are NOT alone! 

Psalm 55:22

Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

He loves you that much!!!  Look for His voice!

There is no doubt in my mind what to do!  God showed me loud and clear, and it brought such peace.  He wants to be daily involved in what we do!  Never forget He is with you!



Crystal Lynn